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RNI Registration for Online News Portal | Updated Guide

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Simran Aggarwal

Simran Aggarwal is a highly accomplished Digital Marketing Consultant, who kickstarted his career as a data-driven business analyst. With an impressive track record spanning five years across diverse industries, she possesses a unique skill set that sets her apart in the field.

Simran excels in dissecting intricate business problems and translating them into actionable insights, thereby facilitating strategic decision-making processes. Her expertise lies in the realms of business analysis, process improvement, and adept management as an stakeholder. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to driving tangible results, Her expertise helps businesses succeed in the digital world.

Are you thinking of starting your news portal? If so, understanding RNI Registration for online news portals is important to building your credibility and trust within the industry. Check out our updated guide to get going quickly.

In the digital world, where information spreads easily through various channels, publications remain important for sharing ideas and information.

To legally identify and establish credibility for your publication—whether it’s a newspaper, magazine, or online news portal—you must register it with the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI).

And you know what? You can now more easily and effectively meet regulatory standards as RNI has introduced an online platform that simplifies registration.

Now, you may have so many questions in mind, such as

  • What is RNI?
  • What benefits will you get after RNI registration?
  • How to register in RNI?
  • And many more.

For answers to all your questions—whether it’s understanding what RNI is or learning about the online news portal registration process—take a look at our easy-to-follow guide.

What is RNI (Registrar of Newspapers of India)?

RNI Registration for Online News Portal
RNI Registration for Online News Portal

The Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) is a governmental agency responsible for registering and regulating newspapers, magazines, and other printed publications in India. Its main task is maintaining intellectual property rights, especially about publishing titles, and ensuring that publications follow the law and remain genuine.

In India, news publications are overseen by the Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act of 1867 and the Registration of Newspapers (RNI) Rules of 1956. According to these laws, every newspaper publisher, including an online news portal, must obtain RNI registration before beginning publication.

Different Tasks of RNI

The following are some of the main duties assigned to RNI-

  • Creating and keeping up a list of Indian newspapers and magazines.
  • We are granting registration certificates to confirm the publications’ legal validity.
  • Checking the accuracy of circulation claims.
  • Making sure the Press and Books Registration Act of 1867 is followed.
  • Maintaining morality and values in the media industry.

By carrying out these duties, the RNI plays a crucial role in maintaining India’s print media industry and making news publishers responsible and trustworthy.

Who Requires RNI Registration in India?

Publishers who require RNI Registration include:

Indian Newspapers

RNI Registration for Online News Portal
RNI Registration for Online News Portal

If you want to enter the publishing industry, be sure you are registered with RNI. Not only national but even regional newspapers must comply with RNI regulations.

Foreign Newspapers

Foreigners who intend to publish newspapers in India must also obtain permission from RNI to do so. As a result, everyone who wants to create a newspaper in India must first register with the RNI.


Every magazine can run with the registration form. Register with RNI to verify the title and register the magazine or newspaper.


Newspapers, as well as newspaper editorials, require this type of registration. Securing RNI registration for editorials is also quite required.

Benefits of RNI Registration for Online News Portal

RNI registration improves the operation of your news website and legalizes its presence, as well as providing additional benefits.

Legal Compliance

When a news publisher registers with RNI, he follows the legislation enacted by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.


RNI verifies that your magazine, newspaper, or editorial is real. In a legal catastrophe, you can speak up and request an investigation.


Not only is it legally required, but it also allows you to gain some recognition across India. RNI will also keep you informed of any modifications to the registration requirements.

Protection Against Third-Party Claims

RNI registration protects not only the title of your newspaper but also from unwelcome third-party claims. Registering with RNI allows you to avoid copyright infringement proceedings.

Essential Requirements for RNI Registration in India

RNI Registration for Online News Portal
RNI Registration for Online News Portal

So far, you have learned what RNI is and who must register. Now’s the right time to learn how to register for RNI.  But it’s imperative to confirm that your news portal registration process meets the following requirements before applying for RNI registration:

Eligibility Requirements

  • Before applying, verify five probable names for your publication.
  • A scanned copy of the owner’s Aadhar card is required.
  • Include a passport-size photo of the owner taken within the past six months.
  • Include a valid phone number for the Indian owner.
  • Documentation that confirms the owner’s present address.
  • Specify the exact place where the newspaper will be published.

Document Submission for Complete Registration

RNI Registration for Online News Portal
RNI Registration for Online News Portal

Complete documentation must be submitted to the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) to finish the final registration process. The necessary items are listed in detail below:

1. A copy of the letter confirming title verification

  • This official RNI letter attesting to the publication title you selected is approved and available.

2. Verified Declaration

  • A declaration (Form-1) certifying the publisher’s intention to publish that has been verified by the appropriate authority.

3. Letters of approval (if applicable)

  • An authorization letter from the owner allows the person to act as the publisher or printer if they are not the owner.
  • Declarations and Contracts
  • An affidavit notarized if there is no foreign tie-up and signed by the publisher.
  • An attested copy of the printing press and a signed copy of the printer agreement, either original or certified. Both the printing press owner and the publisher should sign this.

4. A First-issue copy

  • The newspaper’s first issue was printed in compliance with the rules. The regulations demand that this issue contain the following information: the title, issue number, volume number, date, and all necessary content.

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you can proceed with the RNI registration process for your news portal. 

The Process of RNI Registration for Online News Portal

Now, let’s have a look at the steps for online news portal registration in India:

Step 1: Go to www.rni.nic.in to access RNI’s official website.

Step 2: Create an Account

  • To create a new account, click the registration link.
  • Enter the necessary information, including your name, email address, phone number, and password.
  • Use the verification link emailed to your registered account to confirm your email address.

Step 3: Enter Your Account Information.

  • On the RNI website, sign in to your newly established account with your email address and password.

Step 4: Fill in the Form for Title Verification

  • Open ‘Title Verification‘ from the menu.
  • Enter the necessary data, such as the publication’s or newspaper’s name, the Owner’s name,  the publication’s language, periodicity (weekly, monthly, yearly, and so on), and suggested publication area,

Step 5: Enter Title Options

  • Please list up to five title options in order of preference.
  • Upload the required papers, such as a self-attested copy of your PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, or passport, as proof of photo ID.

Step 6: Apply to the District Magistrate

  • The system will create an application that must be sent to the District Magistrate for verification.
  • The District Magistrate will analyze the information and forward the application to RNI for title availability verification.

Step 7: Title Verification Confirmation

  • If the requested title is available, RNI will send a letter confirming it.
  • The confirmation letter will be addressed to the District Magistrate and the Publisher.

Step 8: File a Declaration

  • Re-enter the RNI portal after obtaining the title confirmation.
  • Complete Form-1 for the declaration, including the publisher, printer, and publication details.
  • Obtain the declaration’s authentication from the relevant authorities (Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate, etc.).

Step 9: Send RNI the Declaration

  • Upload the remaining necessary documents and the verified declaration form:
  • Letter of title verification.
  • Confirm the declaration on Form-1.
  • An authorization letter is required if the publisher or printer is not the owner.
  • Affidavit if there is no foreign involvement.
  • Copy of the first issue of the publication.

Step 10: Get the Certificate of Registration

  • RNI will handle your application after confirming the documentation provided.
  • RNI will provide a certificate of registration after it has been approved.

These are ten steps for completing the online news portal registration process.

First Issue Publication Schedule and Guidelines

Once your RNI registration application gets approved, you must be ready to publish your first issue. This initial publication is crucial because it establishes the framework for your compliance with RNI regulations:

1. Conditions for the Initial Issue

  • Ensure that the first issue of your news portal contains a diverse range of content, including news, stories, opinions, and other important items that reflect your publication’s purpose.

2. Formatting Requirements

  • To meet RNI requirements, the title, issue number, volume number, and publication date must be visible on every page of your publication.

3. Deadlines Based on Periodicity

  • Daily or Weekly Publications: Following RNI verification, your first issue must be released within 42 days.
  • Other Periodicities (Monthly, Fortnightly, etc.): You can publish your first issue 90 days after authentication.

4. Guidelines for Content and Formatting

  • Ensure that the publication’s title and issue are prominently displayed on the cover page and every page that follows.
  • Release information in the designated language and rigorously follow the frequency, language, and location guidelines.

Ensure your news portal satisfies all RNI registration and compliance standards by paying close attention to these rules.

Post-Registration Compliance

Confirm keeping up with RNI regulations:

  • Form No. 4: Annual Report Describing Changes in Ownership.
  • Form No. 2: Annual Statement, which details the financing and distribution of publications.
  • Penalties: Failure to comply may result in fines or a suspension of registration.

Tips for Avoiding Incorrect Titles and Ensuring Smooth RNI Registration

If you want your online news portal registration to go more smoothly, here are tips for avoiding the problems that arise from choosing the wrong title.

Titles with Foreign Title Similarity

Unless you have a current license agreement with the foreign title owner, titles that are identical to or closely resemble foreign publications cannot be registered under the RNI.

Titles Containing Certain Prohibited Words or Ideas

  • Restricted Words: No words such as “Book,” “Channel,” or “Gazette” are allowed in the title.
  • Adverse Meanings: Titles with offensive or insulting meanings are not approved.
  • Overtones of Religion: Titles with overtly religious content that could cause friction or disputes are not accepted.
  • Inappropriate or Obscene Content: Titles that contain vulgar language or content considered offensive to the general public are not accepted.
  • Strange or Pointless Words: Titles that make no sense or need clarification are not approved.
  • Comparable Current Titles: Titles that may mislead the public or create an incorrect impression of the publication’s nature are not eligible for registration.
  • Administration-Related Names: Titles similar to official government schemes, corporations, organizations, or well-known national leaders are prohibited.

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Guidelines for Starting and Registering a News Portal in India

RNI Registration for Online News Portal
RNI Registration for Online News Portal

Earlier, starting a news portal only required RNI Registration to begin if it involved reporting news on government campuses or at administrative locations.

Although the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology also oversees News Portals, you should register them with RNI.

If you need to issue a press card, microphone ID, and camera ID, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting regulations for News Portals are as follows:

  1. The general terms and conditions prescribed for the representatives of print and visual media will also be applicable in the case of online editors, correspondents, and camerapersons.(प्रिंट और विजुअल मीडिया के प्रतिनिधियों के लिए निर्धारित सामान्य नियम और शर्तें ऑनलाइन संपादकों, संवाददाताओं और कैमरामैन के मामले में भी लागू होंगी।)
  2. A news site/portal is a website that has at least 1/3rd of its visible content related to news & current affairs originally reported by its correspondents.
    (एक समाचार साइट/पोर्टल का अर्थ है एक वेबसाइट जिसमें समाचार और वर्तमान मामलों से संबंधित अपनी दृश्य सामग्री का कम से कम 1/3 हिस्सा मूल रूप से अपने संवाददाताओं द्वारा रिपोर्ट किया गया है।)
  3. The publications on behalf of which accreditation has already been given will accommodate their online journalists within their existing quota.
    (जिन प्रकाशनों की ओर से मान्यता पहले ही दी जा चुकी है, वे अपने ऑनलाइन पत्रकारों को उनके मौजूदा कोटे के भीतर समायोजित करेंगे।)
  4. The site should have paid subscribers. However, it should not be insisted on the subscribers right now but some preference will be given to the news sites having subscribers.
    (साइट में भुगतान किए गए ग्राहक होने चाहिए। हालाँकि, अभी ग्राहकों पर जोर नहीं दिया जाना चाहिए, लेकिन कुछ प्राथमिकता उन समाचार साइटों को दी जाएगी जिनके ग्राहक हैं।)
  5. Online news agencies will be governed as per the existing rules prescribed for news agencies.(ऑनलाइन समाचार एजेंसियों को समाचार एजेंसियों के लिए निर्धारित मौजूदा नियमों के अनुसार नियंत्रित किया जाएगा)
  6. The site should have a minimum annual revenue of either Rs.20 lakhs from its news portions only OR Rs.2.5 crores from the entire website including its news portion.
    (साइट को कम से कम वार्षिक आय होनी चाहिए, जो केवल उसके समाचार भाग से रुपये 20 लाख हो या फिर पूरी वेबसाइट समेत उसके समाचार भाग से रुपये 2.5 करोड़।)
  7. The site should be updated regularly and at least 6 times daily.(साइट को नियमित रूप से और दिन में कम से कम 6 बार अपडेट किया जाना चाहिए।)
  8. The news portal should be observing the laws of the land in terms of content, service, promotions, finances, and any other aspect of functioning. (समाचार पोर्टल को सामग्री, सेवा, प्रमोशन, वित्त, और किसी भी कार्यान्वयन के पहलू में देश के कानूनों का पालन करना चाहिए।)
  9. The news site should have been functioning for at least one year. (समाचार साइट कम से कम एक साल से काम कर रही होनी चाहिए.)
  10. The domain name of the site should be registered for at least the next 5 years from the date of application.
    (साइट के डोमेन नाम को आवेदन की तारीख से कम से कम अगले 5 वर्षों के लिए पंजीकृत करना चाहिए।)
  11. The site should have at least 10,000 page views per day of its news portion.
    (न्यूज वेबसाइट पर प्रतिदिन कम से कम दस हज़ार पेज व्यू होनी चाहिए, यानी महीने में 3 लाख बार आपकी वेबसाइट को देखा जाना चाहिए.)
  12. The issue of determining the authenticity of the site may be decided in consultation with VSNL in case of any doubt.
    (विदेश संचार निगम लिमिटेड (वीएसएनएल) की सहायता से आपकी वेबसाइट की ऑथेंटिसिटी चेक की जा सकती है.)
  13. In the event of a website/portal being found involved in any activity perceived as cybercrime now or in the future, all accreditations given to representatives of that website/portal will be withdrawn at the discretion of the DG (M&C).(किसी भी साइबर क्राइम में इन्वोल्व होने पर प्रमाणन रद्द कर दिया जायेगा.)

In addition, for all RNIs, as a business, you may register for your News Portal on MSME and get a free press card.

But don’t worry. You will be fine if you show your portal to the District Industries Office, where we are performing this operation.

You do not need a newspaper. You can complete the entire process online while lounging at home, from where a certificate will be issued.

To submit an online application, go to www.udyamregistration.gov, the official website of Udyog Aadhaar. Registering your phone number with Aadhaar is necessary to complete the application.

Additionally, complete all the requested information. Upon completion of the form, you will receive a certificate. Provide your contact information to the relevant authority, and your news portal will be validated.


That’s it! Our guide on “RNI Registration for online news portal” is over now!

Feel free to contact us if you need any help or have any questions about RNI Registration. We are here to help you on your path to becoming a reputable and successful news platform.

If you’re satisfied with the information and ready to launch a news portal, learn more about our News Portal Development Services and contact New Traffic Tail at the number provided.

We are looking forward to assisting you.


Is the publication’s name and title available to avoid RNI rejection?

Yes, you can check the publication’s name and title availability to avoid rejection. The steps are as follows:

  • Connect to www.rni.nic.in.
  • Then, click on the “verified title” tab to view the existing titles.

Several titles have been validated; thus, it is best to search for them using a portion of a phrase or string. It is optional to search for available titles before submitting one for your newspaper or magazine. The publisher must choose this to avoid rejection.

What will happen if an error is noticed after filing the RNI form?

The candidate must reapply if an error is found after completing the RNI Registration form for news portals. It’s also possible that he’ll have to pay the application fees again.

How long does it take to receive RNI registration for the news portal?

The process usually takes a few weeks, depending on document verification and compliance with RNI policies.

Is there a fee for RNI registration in India? 

Yes, there is a fee for RNI registration. The actual fee can vary. So it’s best to check the current fee structure with the RNI or relevant authorities.

What if an online news industry operates without RNI registration?

Operating an online news site without RNI registration may result in legal results. It may lead to the site being categorized as an unapproved or fake news platform, resulting in sanctions and a loss of trust.

भारत में प्रेस कार्ड कैसे लें?

भारत में प्रेस कार्ड पाने के लिए मान्यता प्राप्त प्रेस संगठन से जुड़ें, फॉर्म भरें, जरूरी कागजात लगाएं और शुल्क जमा करें।

What is the effect of the news portal registration process on advertising revenue?

When the process is finished, reputation will increase, and marketers looking for reliable platforms will be drawn in. Registered status, in line with regulatory requirements and industry standards, raises the potential for ad revenue.

Does everyone require online news portal registration in India?

Not everyone in India needs RNI registration for online news portals. However, getting an RNI registration is highly recommended because it gives the portal legitimacy, legal recognition, and a host of other advantages, such as rights protection and advertising.

अखबार का लाइसेंस कैसे प्राप्त करें?

भारत के समाचारपत्र रजिस्ट्रार (आरएनआई) अखबारों का पंजीकरण, नाम की पुष्टि और प्रमाणपत्र जारी करते हैं। इसमें नाम की जांच, घोषणा की पुष्टि और समय पर पहला अंक छापना शामिल है।

What are the challenges faced during the news portal registration process?

Difficult documentation, long verification, compliance with local laws, technical setup, missing facts, and bureaucratic delays are all common problems.

Is a physical office required for the news portal registration process?

Many government agencies demand a physical office address for online news portal registration in India to promote accountability, transparency, and formal communication.

Is there a difference in the news portal registration process for freelance journalists and media companies?

Compared to media companies, independent journalists might have an easier time registering, but they still have to follow the law.